Nature Odyssey: Wet 'n Wild Along the Rio Grande

06/15/2015 08:30 AM - 06/19/2015 04:30 PM MT


  • $325.00  -  Non-members
  • $305.00  -  PEEC Members


2600 Canyon Road
Los Alamos, NM 87544
United States of America


This program is now full.  Please register to be put on the waiting list.


Not many kids are lucky enough to grow up with a major river almost in their backyard. During this odyssey, you'll explore all things wet, wild, and wonderful as each day you travel to a new location in the Rio Grande Valley. From La Cienega to Alcade and Abiquiu, you will investigate ponds, streams, marshes, and canyons.

You will discover that the magic of nature is everywhere as you wade in the water in search of water bugs and frogs, help biologists net and measure fish, learn to tie fishing flies, use binoculars to search for birds, go rock hounding for minerals, hike among mysterious petroglyphs, make an edible aquifer, play games, and much more.

Come join us as we scamper among the rocks and get our feet wet as we get to know the creatures that swim, hop, fly, and sneak around in the Rio Grande Valley.


To complete your registration, please click here to download and fill out the required forms.